Friday, February 12, 2010


I've been watching a documentary on mathematics and although I am already aware of the donut shaped universe, string theory and the 10 dimensions, it's only just hit me after watching this one how it could be used as a compositional tool. Creating not a 2 dimensional "kaos pad" as some people do, but a 3 dimensional donut shaped pad that is imitated in a 2 dimensional field. I don't know whether someone has already attempted this idea, but it doesn't really bother me, I'm going to try anyway. With MaxMSP and the power of java(script), I will attempt to create a 3 dimensional "kaos pad".

What sounds it will make will most likely be based on white noise or sine tones, as they are pure sounds that allows for easy analysis.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I really need to remember to fill these things in; they are, a failsafe when it comes to copyright.

Ok so, anyway, today's post is on a composition idea that I envisioned last night. The project would be called Thunder and it's purpose, well to create sounds that mimicked that of thunder. It would most likely be MaxMSP powered and would consist of a self manipulating, javascript controlled patch that records, processes and replays audio input. The patch should record the sound as it reaches a threshold, then stop the recording as it drops below the threshold, thus creating a buffer of X length. This length of the buffer would then determine the length and speed of the playback. The self manipulation would be the patch creating it's own playback timings on the fly, depending on the length of the buffers and how the playbacks interacted with each other.

The playback of these buffers would be slower than the original recording, and hopefully layered in such a way that a "thunder" effect is achieved. Whether it sounds like actual thunder would be determined by the input sound. The point of this, is to try and integrate MaxMSP with javascript, as that is something I would like to do.