Friday, October 30, 2009

The advantages of using this patch is that I can alter the way it plays back very subtly which eventually causes massive effects. [091025 Patch 28 - Feedback Slower] Has a low playback ratio, causing the sounds to be played much lower pitched. [091025 Patch 28 - Guitar Recording] has an almost sound at some points, some of which reminds me of Sunn O))), just the tone of certain chords and notes that are held.
Another cool composition I used was a recording of the birds and various noises outside my house. The neighbours have an aviary with budgies and I thought I'd take advantage of their erratic, noisy behaviour. It apparently reminds some of the Hitchcock film The Birds, with it's intense presence.
The final piece I'll talk about in this blog is [091025 Patch 28 - Rotating Feedback] This work was about the idea around how feedback would react when the feedback loop is traveling between 4 different speakers at different times, unlike the other works where the levels between the microphone and the individual speakers remains constant. Obviously the effect can't be fully appreciated in a stereo setting, but you get the idea.

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